Sholes & Miller Named One of the 2023 Best Companies to Work for in New York by Best Companies Group

The law firm of Sholes & Miller earned the distinction of being named one of the 2023 Best Companies to Work for in New York by Best Companies Group. The firm has been ranked six out of thirty-three in the Small Employer Category (15 – 99 employees). Best Companies to Work for in New York identifies, recognizes and honors the best places of employment in New York in three categories: small, medium and large companies.

The team at Sholes & Miller is honored to be included on the 2023 list. They strive to serve their clients with the highest standards of integrity and excellence during 2023 and beyond.

Best Companies Group managed the overall registration and survey process and also analyzed the data and used their expertise to determine the final rankings. There were two parts used to determine the rankings. The first consisted of evaluating each nominated company’s workplace policies, practices and demographics, worth approximately 25 percent of the total evaluation. The second part consisted of an employee survey to measure the employee experience, which consisted of 75 percent of the total. The combined scores determined the top companies and the final rankings.

Since 2004, Best Companies Group has specialized in identifying and recognizing great employers to work for. Best Companies Group is an independent research firm that ranks companies based on established research methodology. The surveys provide actionable, hard-to-obtain data that companies use to improve employee recruitment and retention.

“This year’s Best Companies to Work for in New York know the importance of communication, onboarding, feedback loops, flexibility, and diversity and inclusion in a successful work environment. They make sure their staffers feel appreciated, engaged and successful,” said Suzanne Fischer-Huettner, managing director of BridgeTower Media. “Along with our partners, the New York State Council of the Society for Human Resource Management and the Best Companies Group, we are honored to recognize the accomplishments of these outstanding businesses.”

To view the complete list of 2023 Best Companies to Work for in New York, visit:

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